Sunday, March 30, 2014

Old Money, New Money, and Everybody Else
Throughout the history of the world, there have not always been people with "old Money". At one point in time everybody was just like everybody else. However, at some point and time certain people began to gain more power and wealth then others. Whether this was due to hard work on their part or they came into the power illegally or by chance, they began to gain distinct advantages over others. This was where the people with "New Money" began to come from. they had the means to continue to grow their money on an exponential proportion. Over time and generations, this new money would continue to build up and eventually, the people in possession of the money would forget where it was coming from. These people became those with old money, or the ones with money that they did not get for themselves. most people today are at one of these stages, however, people who start at the bottom have a much tougher time building their way to the top.
Luke Mallette
Honors English 2